GGG - German Genealogy Group

The German Genealogy Group (GGG) Surname List is a compilation of the surnames submitted by members of the GGG. It may be used to contact other members who are interested in the same surnames or geographic regions (directly contacting other members of the GGG is a Members Only feature).

GGG members should log-in to the Members Area to see the contact information.

German Genealogy Group Members:

  • All members of the German Genealogy Group are invited to submit a form listing of the surnames they are researching to Eileen Swanberg.<== Click HERE (See the submission forms in the Members Area.) You must be a current member to submit surnames to the list.
  • Log-in to the Members Area to see the submission form and contact information.
  • In the Members Area, GGG Members may directly contact other members about surnames found in the Surname List database.

Non-GGG Members:

  • Non-GGG members may search the Surname List database.
  • If you find a surname in the list that is of interest to you, send a query to: Eileen Swanberg(<== Click HERE) about that surname, along with the Member number(s) from the search results. She will then forward your query to the GGG member who submitted the surname.  That GGG member may then contact you to share whatever information he or she may have regarding that family.

    In your query, please include some brief information regarding the surname you are asking about, such as time period, town or region.
    People are likely to ignore queries that give only a surname.

  • Non-GGG members please note: We are sorry, but we are NOT able to do any research on anyone's ancestors. Our service consists solely of forwarding your query on to the GGG member whose matching surname is in our Surname List database. It is up to that GGG member to respond if they wish.

Records Search: Surname List

Please note that the Surname (e.g. Last Name) is a required entry field. But since exact spellings are not always known, to aid your search we offer three different ways to specify Surnames...

  1. Exact Match ("is exactly") - This is the default surname search method.
  2. Soundex ("sounds like") - This option enables you to specify a surname spelling it out as best you can, and it will return results that "sound" similar to what you spelled out.
  3. Wild Card - With this option you can replace part of the surname with a * to match any number of letters, or _ to match a single letter. So for example, Sch* will return all names starting with Sch. Similarly, Schl_tz might return results such as Schlitz or Schlotz.

Note that Exact Match searches for names containing oe will not also find names with รถ, and other similar common substitutions. Either do your search for both spellings, or use a Wild Card search.

For whichever of the above surname search options you would like to use, simply select the appropriate radio button option below the Surname input field on the form.

If you find a surname match, see the "About Database (Surname List)" page to see how to contact that GGG Member. 
Only GGG Members can submit a "Data Correction" for their own surnames.

You can search by Surname    OR    by Germany Area   (NOT BOTH)


* Matches multiple characters. 
_ Matches one single character.

Germany Area

Surnames Index


Thanks to the GGG's Mark Waldron for maintaining this database, and to all the GGG Members who have contributed their surnames to this project!

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