GGG - German Genealogy Group

Who Are We?

The German Genealogy Group (GGG) is a not for profit organization, headquartered in New York, that was established in early 1996 to provide mutual support among those interested in researching their Germanic ancestors. While we are not able to respond to requests asking for us to do your research, we do provide guidance and help whenever possible, along with the below benefits of membership. 

Members are eligible for the following benefits: 

Newsletter All members receive a subscription to our monthly newsletter full of interesting information and helpful hints. It is published 10 months of the year September through June.

Surname Directory 
A submission form is provided to all members to list the surnames they are researching. This list is available on our website. 

A mentoring service allows members to be matched up with a more experienced member for help on genealogical problems. The mentor will not perform genealogical research but will offer guidance whenever possible. 

Lending library
We have hundreds of helpful books and CDs that are available for borrowing at meetings.  

German Genealogy Group Guidebook
A guidebook filled with information is sent to new members and is also available on our website in the Member Area. 

Monthly Meetings
From September through June we have a membership meeting featuring an interesting speaker or special event. In-person meetings are free and open to all. It is an opportunity to meet fellow members, borrow from the book library, request a lookup from one of our many databases, sit in on Orientation, and enjoy coffee and cake.

Webinar Meetings
From September through June our meetings are broadcast live as webinars for Members only, and recordings of these webinars are available in the Members Area of the GGG web site.

Special Events
In the spring and fall we have dinners which are held in various restaurants and which are open to GGG members and their guests. We have also held day trips to places of genealogical interest as well as guided cemetery tours. We periodically have free special classes for members on various helpful research topics.

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Website Proudly Made in the USA. Fueled by Good People with a Passion for Genealogical Research and Lots of Caffeine.
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